A Very Groovy Midsummer Night's Dream
By William Shakespeare
October 19, 20, and 21, 2023
Fall Theatrical Mainstage
Click HERE to see performance photos.
A Very Groovy Midsummer Night's Dream (one act)
By William Shakespeare
November 17, 2023
One Act Play Submission at the District 9 One Act Festival​
The Curious Savage
By John Patrick
April 5 & 6, 2024
Spring Theatrical Mainstage
Click HERE to see performance photos.
Theatre Classes - One Act Plays
"It's You", "The Kev-Burger", & "The Rocky Junction Rumor" - 10 minute plays from Scared Silly by Ian McWethy, Peter Bloedel, & Christa Crewdson
TRAP by Stephen Gregg


Alice in Wonderland
By Shauna and Vern Adix
March 30, 31, and April 1, 2023
Spring Theatrical Mainstage
Click HERE to see performance photos.
"Governing Alice"
By C. Denby Swanson
November 18, 2022
One Act Play Submission at the District 9 One Act Festival​
Theatre Classes - One Act Plays
"The Abilis" by Tyler Dwiggins, Jonathan Dorf, Kathryn Funkhouser, Patrick Greene, Mora V. Harris, Jason Pizzarello, Ian McWethy, Carrie McCrossen
"The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon" by Don Zolidis


Puffs or Seven Increasingly Eventful Years At A Certain School of Magic and Magic
By Matt Cox
March 24, 25, and 26, 2022
Spring Theatrical Mainstage
Click HERE to see performance photos.
"So You Wanna Be A Cheerleader?"
By M.G. Davidson
November 19, 2021
One Act Play Submission at the District 9 One Act Festival​
Theatre Classes - One Act Plays
"S.P.A.R." by Stephen Gregg
"The Internet Is Distract-OH LOOK A KITTEN" by Ian McWethy

​Cyrano de BurgerShack
By Jeremy Desmon
April 30 and May 1, 2021
Spring Musical Mainstage
Click HERE to see performance photos.
"Much Ado About Nothing"
(One Act Version)
By William Shakespeare
Adapted by John Minigan
One Act Play Submission at the SW Regional Festival
Theatre Classes - One Act Plays
"The 9 Worst Breakups of All Time"
"The New Margo"


"An Experiment"
By Brent Holland
November 15, 2019
One Act Play Submission at the District 9 One Act Festival
Theatre Classes - One Act Plays
"Check Please"


Much Ado About Nothing:
A Modern Shakespeare Musical
By William Shakespeare
Adapted by Brianne Walburn
April 11-13, 2019
Spring Musical Main Stage
Click HERE to see performance photos.
"Flowers for Algernon"
Adapted by David Rogers.
From the classic novel by Daniel Keyes.
November 2, 2018
One Act Play Submission at the District 9 One Act Festival
Theatre Classes - One Act Plays
"Detention Tension"
"The Brother's Grimm Spectaculathon"
"Action News - Now With 10% More Action"
"Small Actors"


The Crucible
By: Arthur Miller
April 12, 13, & 14
Spring Theatrical Main Stage
Click HERE to see performance photos.
By: Stephen Gregg
One Act Play Submission at the District 9 One Act Festival
Theatre Classes - One Act Plays
"All I Really Need to Know I Learned From Being A Zombie" "Perfect Score"
"The Tree"
"Dinner With The MacGuffins"
"The Internet Is Distract - OH LOOK A KITTEN!"


Little Shop of Horrors
Music by: Alan Menken
Lyrics by: Howard Ashman
Book by: Howard Ashman
April 11, 12, & 13
Spring Musical Main Stage
Click HERE to see performance photos.
"This Is A Test"
By: Stephen Gregg
One Act Play Submission at the District 9 One Act Festival
Romeo and Juliet
By: William Shakepeare
October 13 and 14
Fall Theatrical Main Stage
Click HERE to see performance photos.
Theatre Classes - One Act Plays
"Miss Polly's Institute for Criminally Damaged Young Ladies Puts On A Show"
"The Monologue Show From Hell"
"Law and Order: Fairy Tale Unit"
"Most Likely To..."


High School Musical
Music by: Matthew Gerrard
Robbie Nevil
Ray Cham
Greg Cham
Drew Seeley
Randy Petersen
Kevin Quinn
Andy Dodd
Adam Watts
Bryan Louiselle
David N. Lawrence
Faye Greenberg
Jamie Houston
Lyrics by: Same as music
Book by: David Simpatico
Spring Musical Main Stage
Click HERE to see performance photos.
By: Kenneth R. Preuss
One Act Play Submission at the District 9 One Act Festival
​Theatre Classes - One Act Plays
"The Brother's Grimm Spectaulathon"
"Shuddersome: Tales of Poe"
"Rules of Comedy"