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Drama Club focuses on information for upcoming performances and festivals. We also play drama games and workshop acting and technical skills.


This club is for anyone who is interested in seeing what theatre is all about or anyone who is currently involved in the theatre program. 


Inducted troupe members are required to be at drama club meetings on club days.




WHO: Anyone!

WHERE: Auditorium 

WHEN: 1st period on Club Days

COST: $5 for club card

Club Days - Wednesdays

Aug. 30 = Club Fair Day @ all lunches

Sept. 25​

Oct. 30

Nov. 20

Jan. 15 = Club picture (must wear troupe or plain black shirt)

Feb. 12

Mar. 5

Apr. 16


Our troupe is registered with the International Thespian Society.


Dedicated students are involved in the majority of productions and festivals in order to earn enough points to be officially inducted into the troupe and receive an honor cord at graduation.


Troupe members have reserved spaces for club, are given a troupe shirt, and are qualified to participate in member only activities/ field trips. 


Troupe Officers 2024-2025

Gianna Ayuso

Chloe Dixon

Laci Hughbanks

Natalia Rivera


Being inducted makes you a member of the International Thespian Society and an official part of Troupe #7490.


The troupe and drama club are separate; you become a part of the troupe by working on productions or participating in festivals to earn points.


To be inducted you must earn 10 points which is the equivalent of about 100 hours of work.


Induction invitations are given out in March to eligible students. There is a $40 induction cost. 


Why be inducted? Click HERE.



You can earn points by participating in theatre class one act plays, the Thespy festival (formerly IEs), the one act festival, the state festival, and school plays/musicals. Attending theatre performances and outside performance work will also earn you points. 


You earn points for the number of hours you have worked on a performance. In most cases, 1 point is equal to 10 hours.


60 points = Honor cord


Point sheets must be updated at least once per year.


Click HERE for the Troupe Point Explanation.


Click HERE to print a *NEW* Troupe Point Form.


Click HERE to update your points digitally. 


Click on the icon below to view the governing bylaws for our troupe. 

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